Frequently Asked Questions

Below you'll find answers to questions we get asked the most. If you have an additional question, don't hesitate to call. We are always happy to help!

Adult Martial Arts

Q: "Can martial arts cause injury?"

Because we place such a huge focus on safety and injury prevention, we're proud to say that injuries are very few and far between with our program. In fact, because martial arts gets you in great shape, and makes you strong and flexible, people often see LESS injuries in their lives.

Q: "What level of fitness is required for martial arts?"

You'll get in shape as you go. You don't have to be in great shape to start.

The great thing about martial arts is you can be at any fitness level and do great. That's because there's no rush or pressure to do anything quickly. You can learn at your own pace.

Q: "Will my class be in a group or 1-on-1?"

People often mistake self-defense for violence. We teach self-defense here.

Self-defense means doing everything in your power to AVOID violence! It means being diplomatic and peaceful. In fact, people who have had problems with violence in the past often become peaceful and balanced through martial arts.


Q: "Will my class be in a group or 1-on-1?"

Most likely you'll be in a group class. However we gladly offer private classes for those that are interested. Feel free to ask any of our instructors for more info on private classes!

Q: "How many people are in a group class?"

At peak times, there's between 15-30. Some times have more, some less. But we make sure to have enough instructors to match the class size. That way you always get the attention you need.

Q: "Are there other beginners in the classes?"

Yes, classes are full of people of all experience levels - including total beginners.

Q: "Are there women in the classes?"

Yes! While the majority of our BJJ students are men, there are women who come and have an awesome experience, too.

Check out our ridiculously low web special going on – for a limited time only! Our classes fill up fast because it’s such a great deal, so reserve your spot today!


Kids Martial Arts

Q: "Does Martial Arts, Karate, Tae Kwon Do make kids violent?"

No way! Martial arts is about peace, harmony and diplomacy. It teaches children how to AVOID fights - not pick them.

Q: "Do kids get injured in Martial Arts, Karate, Tae Kwon Do?"

Sometimes. But the truth is, injuries are very, very rare here. We have a lot of measures in place to keep your child perfectly safe. In fact, safety is our #1 concern.

Q: "My child isn't athletic. Can they still participate in Martial Arts, Karate, Tae Kwon Do if they're not athletic?"

Absolutely. Martial Arts teaches kids to be coordinated, flexible and strong. Kids who don't naturally have these qualities develop them. Kids who do have these qualities grow them even more.

Q: "Are these Martial Arts, Karate, Tae Kwon Do classes fun?"

Sometimes. But the truth is, injuries are very, very rare here. We have a lot of measures in place to keep your child perfectly safe. In fact, safety is our #1 concern.

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